3 Surprising Benefits of Exercise

Jackson Nwachukwu
4 min readJun 29, 2021

Surely, you’ve been told countless times that exercise is good for you. It popped up most times during our teenage days and its keeps popping up; the Importance of physical fitness, benefits of exercise. My coach yelling at me to go workout, engage in physical activities, hit the gym when that stomach starts to pop out. The benefits of exercise are huge, it even extends to your life outside the gym.

A woman working out at the gym
Gym Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery from Pexels

My dad once said that the benefits of exercise are so huge, it outweighs the cons. He said that the cons to him are not cons but excuses made by lazy people. I personally accept and I have seen firsthand the benefits of working out.

There are a whole lot of things that could happen to you after a nice exercise. Keeping fit doesn’t just affect you physically; it goes into other parts of your life. So don’t believe; ask THE ROCK if he feels intimidated, or maybe you can ask Vin Diesel (F9 star) if he feels timid. You can even ask me, I’m not wholly built, but I walk with an air of confidence flowing through my body.

Here are 3 importance of physical fitness that you probably didn’t know about.

  1. It makes you confident

Not everyone is born with a bag of confidence. As we grow, we achieve feats that build up our confidence. More often than usual, fat people feel insecure about their bodies. Why is that? On the other hand, fit people who work out have never felt insecure about their bodies. I have never seen a fit person being body shamed. Being fit gives you confidence that applies in other aspects of life. This is a benefit of working out that most people don’t know about. When you walk into your workplace, chest-high with smiles on your face, you feel good. It even attracts the ladies; I mean, which lady doesn’t like a fit guy? The feel-good hormones, known as dopamine, are released every time you work out because you love what you see. You are sexy, and you know it; no need to look in the mirror and say you’re sexy. You know you’re good-looking, and that confidence slowly creeps into other parts of your life. Workout boosts your self-esteem; for me, it’s my sex toy.

Confident Asian guy smiling
Confident Photo by Andres Ayrton from Pexels

2. It helps reduce stress.

Are you having another rough day at the office? Is your wife breathing down on your neck? Kate in HR spew coffee at you? Calm down, don’t lose your cool. Instead, walk it out by heading to the gym for an intense, quick workout.

One known mental benefit of exercise is stress relief. Working up a sweat can help you handle both mental and physical stress. Another benefit of working out is that it also raises norepinephrine levels, a hormone that helps to regulate your brain’s stress response.

Workout photo from Pexels

You go ahead and get all sweaty — it can relieve stress and increase the ability of your body to handle existing mental tension. This is a Win-win! Also, deal with your wife at home, please. Your wife is probably stressed too, so I recommend working out to her. Plus boo to Kate — I got your back in the HR beef.

3. It helps you get the ladies.

I know what you are going to say. But, how is that even possible? Can I get a lady if I’m broke but have a hot-built body? Well, to this question, yes and no. Yes, because if you got killer moves, then you can play your game, no, because if you expect only your physique to bring them without you having to work, then you’re in for a heck of a ride.

Black Fit Guy Photo by Pikx By Panther from Pexels

The truth is that working out can bring the ladies, another benefit of working out you probably don’t know about. I mean look at the guy in the picture, ladies love this. But, keeping the lady or ladies (if you know what I mean) would take more than just working out. You’ll have to be at the top of your game. However, know this, if you want to work out to get the ladies, then you’re doing it the wrong way.

Working out is meant to be a way of improving oneself. Your head is cleared, hormones reducing stress plus many other health benefits of working out. However, while you amass your head with thoughts of being better and exercising, the ladies come in as a side bonus. Yep, working out with the proper aim is essential; however, subconsciously, the ladies can’t help but notice you.

